Why you keep falling short of your new year’s goals I initially composed this article for the new year. However, it seems even more relevant now post-New Year’s. New Year New Goals – enjoy the read! As we enter 2019, we can make lofty goals and try to use the momentum curated by our social… Continue reading How to Crush Your New Year’s Goals
FEATURE COACH RICH THURMAN Reserve Your Spot Here If you came to this page, you likely saw someone using a steel mace and you thought it looked interesting, but you might be wondering, “What are the benefits of using the steel mace?” What makes steel mace workouts so special? Who should use a steel mace?” We… Continue reading STEEL MACE WORKSHOP – APRIL 28, 2019
Weight Training Workshop – February 2, 2019
ROAD TO STRENGTH GAINS Are you between the ages of 25 and 45? Maybe you have some weight training experience but just haven’t got to where you want to be yet? Maybe there are some exercises you’re not positive you are doing 100% correct? How would you like it if I GUARANTEED that you got… Continue reading Weight Training Workshop – February 2, 2019
Injury Prevention Workshop February 17, 2019
Featuring Dr. Tim Latham by Chi Bang A common theme which we have all encountered in our lives is… INJURIES. When we face these grueling and sometimes incapacitating bouts with injuries, we are often left feeling helpless and hopeless. So, therefore today’s blog will highlight some of the most commonly seen injuries in the gym… Continue reading Injury Prevention Workshop February 17, 2019
Kinstretch Workshop – January 19, 2019
What is Kinstretch? Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility, and USABLE ranges of motion. See their website here and keep reading if you want to learn more about the upcoming kinstretch workshop. Why should I do it? Joint health, longevity, and resilience. Kinstretch improves the capacity of your joints, their performance,… Continue reading Kinstretch Workshop – January 19, 2019
We all know that 80% of New Year’s fitness resolutions fizzle out by the middle of January. If you do not want to add to this statistic and are seriously ready to improve your overall health and wellness in 2019, then join us on January 12th at our free fitness open house. Whether you are… Continue reading FREE FITNESS OPEN HOUSE – HOSTED BY CLIENTEL3
Goals are Useless Without a How and Why
In my life, I’ve had more than a handful of unrealized goals; I will never play professional basketball, I failed to become an incredible hip-hop dancer (never tried I just like the idea), and it’s unlikely that I will ever share a life with Emma Watson (sigh). Based on these lofty goals, it’s easy to… Continue reading Goals are Useless Without a How and Why
Top Ten Common Nutrition and Fitness Myths
The experts here at CLIENTEL3 have gathered the top nutrition and fitness myths we hear the most. To help you weed through the clutter and become the most knowledgeable you can be. Between fitness magazines, bloggers, and everything else on the internet, it’s hard to tell what’s beneficial when it comes to health and fitness. When… Continue reading Top Ten Common Nutrition and Fitness Myths
Three Key Components to Motivation
Decades ago in Dade County Florida, the local government banned the sale of laundry detergents with phosphates. Phosphates had a great motivation and were very good for cleaning but pretty bad for the environment, causing algae to explode in growth. This leads to oxygen reduction, which leads to animals dying, which isn’t good. It was… Continue reading Three Key Components to Motivation
Metrics for Being Content
I’ve heard and used to think being content was a killer of ambition. If you’re content you don’t want more, you’re good with where you are and with what you have. It is hard to find the metrics for being content. But I don’t think to be content or satisfied means being robbed of your… Continue reading Metrics for Being Content