As humans, we have a tendency to want to seek out the most direct route to our goals. And why not? Isn’t the most direct way the most efficient in the end? Sure it is. But as we all know, the waters we swim in are not always crystal clear. This goes especially for the… Continue reading Exercise and Diet; which one is more important?
Is your trainer hindering your fitness progress?
Not feeling challenged? When you work together with a personal trainer, chances are you are doing so to have them keep you motivated throughout your workouts and help you achieve your goals. Now, you’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym doing your workouts, but you walk out of every session feeling less… Continue reading Is your trainer hindering your fitness progress?
Newbie Gains: How to Start Your Fitness Journey?
When I first began weightlifting my biggest fear was getting injured. I knew I couldn’t lift heavy weights and thus didn’t think I had a place in the weight room. But eventually, I learned the basics and it picked up week by week. Here are the 6 things that every beginner should know if they… Continue reading Newbie Gains: How to Start Your Fitness Journey?
4 Tips to turn your thought into action and achieve your goals!
How are those New Year goals looking? Do you need tips to achieve your goals? Are you making strides towards your goals? Or have things fallen off and you haven’t quite gotten to where you need to be? If so, no worries. Here are 4 tips in helping you get back on track: 1. Review Many… Continue reading 4 Tips to turn your thought into action and achieve your goals!
The sweatier the t-shirt the better the workout?
There is a lingering misconception of a good vs a bad workout and which side sweating during exercise falls on. It’s often believed that a workout is only good if you come out of it looking like you entered a wet T-shirt contest. But in reality, your fitness goals are the ones that will determine… Continue reading The sweatier the t-shirt the better the workout?
What is the difference: Virtual Training vs Programming?
With the limitations that COVID has brought us, you may be looking for different avenues of fitness versus going to a gym or studio or exercising outdoors. If this is the case, you may want to consider virtual training or programming. Both consist of exercising from the comfort of your home (or at a gym or… Continue reading What is the difference: Virtual Training vs Programming?
How to maximize your fitness results during a lockdown
The Pandemic has drastically affected the way we live our lives and as a result, is causing most of us to adjust to new norms. Unfortunately, for Gym-Goers like you and me, developing a new strategy for gym shutdowns isn’t always easy. Losing access to free weights, mirrors with good lighting, and a plethora of… Continue reading How to maximize your fitness results during a lockdown
Build exercise habits when it’s good so they stick when it’s bad
On the Saturday after Thanksgiving I sat in my childhood bedroom. Since my move to Boston in 2017 and despite my resistance, my father has transformed it into his new office. A lot has changed since I left, since I learned how to be disciplined and how to build exercise habits. I was getting ready to drive… Continue reading Build exercise habits when it’s good so they stick when it’s bad
How to hire a professional trainer without breaking the bank
We live in an era where access to information is incredibly easy. However, if the information is all we needed then we would all be jacked, millionaires. The same happens when we want to hire a professional trainer and don’t want to lose money. For example, as a ‘high end’ personal training facility we charge… Continue reading How to hire a professional trainer without breaking the bank
Recovering from Injuries: Do’s and Don’ts
You are finishing up your last rep, going through that final sprint, pushing towards the finish line!…then all of a sudden you feel a pull and hear a “POP!” It’s the back of your thigh. Unfortunately, is common very common to get injured when you workout. You start thinking, “All is lost. I am not going… Continue reading Recovering from Injuries: Do’s and Don’ts