Not being aware of your spinal curves can put you at a disadvantage when it comes to exercising. If we are just thinking about exercise selection, there are a plethora of exercises that can do you well just as much as they can do you bad. One common flaw in the posture that typically will make… Continue reading My go-to exercises or improving anterior pelvic tilt
The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up
Nowadays, a warm-up routine tends to be all over the place. Some people don’t do it at all, others spend 20 minutes on the floor foam rolling and stretching themselves into human Play-Doh. Sure, they’re all somewhat applicable in certain situations, but which way is right? Which way will get me primed and ready to… Continue reading The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up
Proteus Motion Review
Built like a military turret, (which takes up just as much space too) the Proteus Motion has become popular among athletes of rotational sports such as golf, baseball, and hockey allowing for versatility to make an immense difference in performance. I wrote this review of the Proteus Motion system after training with it for over… Continue reading Proteus Motion Review
5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals
Have you recently found yourself putting in time at the gym and logging hours with your trainer, but not seeing the results you want? Here is a list of the 5 mistakes that could be stopping you from achieving your fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, no amount of exercise can do it all. Physical… Continue reading 5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals
A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II
Welcome back! In this edition, we’ll go a little deeper into how to create a fitness program tailored to your needs! How Much Do I Do in a Session? It can be time-dependent, but usually, 90 minutes is the longest your sessions should be unless you’re a powerlifter who’s taking 10 minutes between sets. I… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II
“The Murph” – The Fitness Challenge Worth Doing
Here is the one fitness challenge everyone should be doing, the Murph. When you start racking up significant training hours in the gym, workout routines can seem to become repetitive and boring. It sounds like it’s time to flip the switch and shock the CNS. Switching up a routine on occasion can teach your body… Continue reading “The Murph” – The Fitness Challenge Worth Doing
Healthy Recipe: Cucumber & Smoked Salmon Roll-Ups
With just a handful of ingredients, you can make a very healthy recipe. Today we bring to you these simple & delicious salmon & cucumber roll-ups. These are perfect for a snack and make great hors d’oeuvres for any get-together. Cucumbers are super hydrating and are rich in structured water. Wild salmon contains healthy omega… Continue reading Healthy Recipe: Cucumber & Smoked Salmon Roll-Ups
A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I
Have you ever looked at your trainer’s plan for the day and wondered how did he plan this exercise equation? Without an educated eye, it can be nearly impossible to do. If you’re not interested in understanding why that is totally fine. Plenty of clients come just for convenience and the community, which is awesome.… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I
Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout
With half the battle being what exercises to choose from, exercise order can make for amplified success through your training journey. It’s common to make improvised decisions that cluster random exercises together, but that won’t get you to your goals faster. Instead, try creating your training routine with more thought and consider these points as… Continue reading Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout
Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio
In the fitness industry, there’s no shortage of avenues to travel down. Whether you fall in the category of a powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or collegiate athlete, every adaptation you make comes with a cost. A powerlifter who’s peaking for a meet will likely resemble a penguin the way they walk. Explosive athletes like Olympic lifters… Continue reading Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio