Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout

With half the battle being what exercises to choose from, exercise order can make for amplified success through your training journey. It’s common to make improvised decisions that cluster random exercises together, but that won’t get you to your goals faster. Instead, try creating your training routine with more thought and consider these points as… Continue reading Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout

Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio

In the fitness industry, there’s no shortage of avenues to travel down. Whether you fall in the category of a powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or collegiate athlete, every adaptation you make comes with a cost. A powerlifter who’s peaking for a meet will likely resemble a penguin the way they walk. Explosive athletes like Olympic lifters… Continue reading Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio

I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

Injuries can oftentimes be the cause for an unused gym membership and regular dates with a heating pad. Thankfully, most injuries are usually able to be worked around if you know what you’re doing. It can be scary not knowing what’s going on and how to continue to make progress without re-aggravating things. So let’s… Continue reading I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?