Since it’s now officially the new year (in both the Gregorian calendar and the Chinese zodiac). I thought it would be a good time to write out some advice for all the ‘resolutionaries’; all of those people that are looking to make exercise and healthier living a part of their new year’s goals. This is… Continue reading How to Avoid Struggling with your Fitness Resolutions
Tag: Personal Training
How to save your back and master the deadlift
How to save your back during a deadlift? Spend any amount of time in a gym and you will see someone executing this exercise with a flexed back at the beginning or extremely exaggerated lumbar extension at the end. To the untrained, at best, the deadlift can leave a person’s back feeling awful the next… Continue reading How to save your back and master the deadlift
Momentum: Surf it to Power Your Life
What is momentum and how can you employ its quality to enrich and enhance your life? As defined by Merriam Webster:momentum noun : the strength or force that something has when it is moving : the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passesphysics : the… Continue reading Momentum: Surf it to Power Your Life
How to Make Your Internship Experience Great
If you are a new intern entering the field of health and fitness or considering a change in careers as a strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer, this post will highlight ways to make your internship experience stand out. I went through two internships and I wish I had more insight before Day 1.… Continue reading How to Make Your Internship Experience Great
You Probably Won’t Make Health Changes: Here’s Why
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own behavior” Some sarcastic person making a terribly accurate meme I wrote the title of the piece knowing that it may come across as pessimistic. That’s not the point. I’m not making attempts to use any reverse psychology tricks on you as well (“screw you,… Continue reading You Probably Won’t Make Health Changes: Here’s Why
Intro to Assisted Stretching Workshop
CLIENTEL3 is excited to announce that we will be offering a half-day practical stretching workshop. It will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 1-5 PM. I’ve had the honor of knowing and working with Hilery Hutchinsen for the past few years. I have also had first-hand experience as a client with her assisted… Continue reading Intro to Assisted Stretching Workshop
How To Get Out Of A Workout Rut
This is a tough time of year to stay on track with the holidays approaching, but let’s be honest, there are many times where there are challenges keeping us from achieving our health & fitness goals… here are 5 Tips to get out of a Workout Rut: 1. Grab a friend! It’s always more fun… Continue reading How To Get Out Of A Workout Rut
What We Can Learn From Dogs About Gratitude
Why are these fellas so happy? My dog Achilles sometimes just sits on his ass, tongue out, and a big smile. Oblivious to anything other than his own eternal aura of happiness. It makes me wonder what makes him so darn happy and whether these same principles can be applied to us mere humans. So… Continue reading What We Can Learn From Dogs About Gratitude
How your diet is impacting your fitness progress
Why can’t you out train a bad diet? There are many sayings out there that hold merit within the health and wellness industry, one of which is the aforementioned “You can’t out-train a bad diet” and despite its popularity, it’s often lacking the substance needed to drive home its importance. This is how your diet… Continue reading How your diet is impacting your fitness progress
Core Bracing: How to Start and How Can It Help You
Core Bracing Helps Your Back Throughout my time as a trainer, I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard: My goal is to become… Oh but I also really want to have a nice defined core… To be fair, this is great and all but, I always try to take my clients a step… Continue reading Core Bracing: How to Start and How Can It Help You