The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up

Nowadays, a warm-up routine tends to be all over the place. Some people don’t do it at all, others spend 20 minutes on the floor foam rolling and stretching themselves into human Play-Doh. Sure, they’re all somewhat applicable in certain situations, but which way is right? Which way will get me primed and ready to… Continue reading The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up

5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Have you recently found yourself putting in time at the gym and logging hours with your trainer, but not seeing the results you want? Here is a list of the 5 mistakes that could be stopping you from achieving your fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, no amount of exercise can do it all. Physical… Continue reading 5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

“The Murph” – The Fitness Challenge Worth Doing

Here is the one fitness challenge everyone should be doing, the Murph. When you start racking up significant training hours in the gym, workout routines can seem to become repetitive and boring. It sounds like it’s time to flip the switch and shock the CNS.  Switching up a routine on occasion can teach your body… Continue reading “The Murph” – The Fitness Challenge Worth Doing

Kinstretch Workshop – January 19, 2019

What is Kinstretch? Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility, and USABLE ranges of motion. See their website here and keep reading if you want to learn more about the upcoming kinstretch workshop. Why should I do it? Joint health, longevity, and resilience. Kinstretch improves the capacity of your joints, their performance,… Continue reading Kinstretch Workshop – January 19, 2019