We all grow up and look for a career. Now, that being said, this article is not focusing on how to have a successful career in the fitness industry. No, rather it is about how you can have a successful career in fitness, working out, exercising. You see, one definition of a career is “an… Continue reading How to have a successful career in fitness
Tag: Fitness
7 Tips for Injury Prevention.
Have you ever gotten an injury while doing some sort of exercise? Here is a list of 7 tips that can be your guide for Injury Prevention. Know your limitations Train smart, stay within your boundaries, ask for a spot when you are unsure, and follow proper training protocols. Respect your body- it is speaking… Continue reading 7 Tips for Injury Prevention.
How to Train Like a Professional
This is a breakdown of exercise training principles: How to train like a professional. The exercise training principles are a guide for how health professionals program and optimize workouts; there’s no secret recipe for a perfect plan that works universally. Everyone has individual needs and goals, which is why we understand and apply these principles… Continue reading How to Train Like a Professional
Train like your trainer: Rate of Perceived exertion
When it’s time to workout nobody likes being confused. This series is designed to give you a look at what is going on in a trainer’s head while they are working out. As we review concepts, you’ll be able to understand why your trainer does the things that they do and work on doing them… Continue reading Train like your trainer: Rate of Perceived exertion
Recovery from Exercise
If you ever have felt that you are having a hard time in your recovery from an exercise. This article will show you how to reduce muscle soreness and upgrade your fitness level. What is DOMS? DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, it’s that tender achy soreness in your muscles the day after a workout… Continue reading Recovery from Exercise
Keeping a Workout Journal
Keeping a workout Journal: What to log to stay on top of your fitness Whatever your fitness goals are, if you’re not already keeping a workout journal, it may be time to consider starting to. We’ve all heard that block scheduling, tracking, keeping notes have helped us navigate through our busy lives and ever-changing schedules.… Continue reading Keeping a Workout Journal
Weight Belts: Should or should not use them?
Weight… don’t touch that belt! At least before you do, make sure you know the reasoning behind why weight belts are used and if you should or should not use them. Types of Belts There are various types of belts that any person could buy. The three that are most common are bodybuilding belts, powerlifting… Continue reading Weight Belts: Should or should not use them?
Rut Training. Why do they happen & How to get through them
Have you found yourself in a rut with your training? Here are 4 reasons why they may happen & how to get through them. Almost everyone at some point in their life will experience a training rut in which they may either lack consistency or simply not feel the desire to train in the way… Continue reading Rut Training. Why do they happen & How to get through them
Common Misconceptions about Exercise
The fitness industry is an evolving science that has made great strides in the last couple of decades. However, as there are introduced new schools of thought for exercise, we need to weed out the old theories that are no longer relevant and have become myths of fitness. These are just a few of the… Continue reading Common Misconceptions about Exercise
Types of Muscle Contractions
Did you know that muscles only shorten and do not push? How about that muscles have three different types of contractions? Let us dive a little deeper into each one and how to use them in your next workout. The Anatomy For this concept to make sense, there needs to be a general understanding of… Continue reading Types of Muscle Contractions