Training While Injured? You would be very surprised about how much unknowledge exists about training around injuries. Here is the truth about it. One hour before our session I get a message from a client “Hey Danny” “What’s up?” “I don’t think I can train today…” “Why?” “ I jammed my finger in the door”… Continue reading The Truth About Training Around Injuries
Tag: boston personal trainer
How To Turn Pain Into Pleasure
Adapting to Pain and Pleasure In Our Life You might wonder how to turn pain into pleasure. Pain can be both physical and emotional, and on some continuum, we have all experienced both (high school was a tough time). However, like most things over time we can become accustomed to or adapt to pain and… Continue reading How To Turn Pain Into Pleasure
Meal Planning Is Easier Than You May Think
How to plan your food for the week: Meal planning requires a decision, a plan, and most importantly action. Summer is almost over and so is my loose attitude toward nutrition and exercise. Although I’m enjoying the summer, I don’t feel 100% and I want to get structure back with my nutrition and with my… Continue reading Meal Planning Is Easier Than You May Think
Don’t Join a Gym, Join a Community
Community Makes The Difference While thinking about when to join a gym, I remember something very important. I don’t remember who said it and I don’t remember exactly when it was said. To be honest I can’t piece an exact quote together either. It was the spirit of the message that stuck with me. Here… Continue reading Don’t Join a Gym, Join a Community
What Can You Achieve In 6 Weeks with Fitness Programs?
6 Week Fit For Life Program On July 22nd CLIENTEL3 will open the doors to 10 people for a 6-week fitness foundation program. The following article aims to highlight what we offer and what you can expect out of our fitness program as well as why other programs fail. Mislead and ultimately leave you disappointed.… Continue reading What Can You Achieve In 6 Weeks with Fitness Programs?
Use 5 Minute Breaks To Improve Yourself
What to do on a 5-minute break? Pre 5 Minute Break CHOICE: You always have two options. Whether you want to sit down and mindlessly scroll through my phone or work towards something productive. Using your breaks to improve yourself is something that you need to do one way or another. Some 5 Minute Break… Continue reading Use 5 Minute Breaks To Improve Yourself
How To Stay Focused On Overcoming The Buts
“I Want…” and The Connecting “…But” Unfortunately and to the dismay of many, this post is not about the true beauty of the le derriere, the glutes, or your bum. What I want to discuss is the discrepancy we have between “I want…” and the connecting “…but”. This is how to stay focused. Having met,… Continue reading How To Stay Focused On Overcoming The Buts
Why a Less Is More Approach Trumps All For Success
Adjust Your Approach to Fitness: Less is more. “People overestimate what they can do with their body in 6 weeks with an all or nothing approach. Then grossly underestimate what they can do in a year with a consistent, less is more approach.” ~ @coachmarkcarroll I saw this quote on Mark Carroll’s Instagram and found… Continue reading Why a Less Is More Approach Trumps All For Success
Find Value in Taking Care of Yourself
Why do you fail to value Taking Care of Yourself? As both a personal trainer/ strength coach and a Ph.D. student with an interest in behavior, I end up having some pretty specific questions. For example, knowing all the health benefits of resistance training why are most of us are failing to meet the recommendations?… Continue reading Find Value in Taking Care of Yourself
How to Build Value and Increase Your Value Proposition
What is Value Proposition? A value proposition is a statement that identifies clear, measurable, and demonstrable benefits consumers get when buying a particular product or service. It should convince consumers that this product or service is better than others on the market. This proposition can lead to a competitive advantage when consumers pick that particular… Continue reading How to Build Value and Increase Your Value Proposition