Have you recently found yourself putting in time at the gym and logging hours with your trainer, but not seeing the results you want? Here is a list of the 5 mistakes that could be stopping you from achieving your fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, no amount of exercise can do it all. Physical… Continue reading 5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals
Tag: boston personal trainer
A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II
Welcome back! In this edition, we’ll go a little deeper into how to create a fitness program tailored to your needs! How Much Do I Do in a Session? It can be time-dependent, but usually, 90 minutes is the longest your sessions should be unless you’re a powerlifter who’s taking 10 minutes between sets. I… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II
A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I
Have you ever looked at your trainer’s plan for the day and wondered how did he plan this exercise equation? Without an educated eye, it can be nearly impossible to do. If you’re not interested in understanding why that is totally fine. Plenty of clients come just for convenience and the community, which is awesome.… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I
Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio
In the fitness industry, there’s no shortage of avenues to travel down. Whether you fall in the category of a powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or collegiate athlete, every adaptation you make comes with a cost. A powerlifter who’s peaking for a meet will likely resemble a penguin the way they walk. Explosive athletes like Olympic lifters… Continue reading Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio
Building Your Aerobic Base and Why We Need to Do It
When we talk about cardiovascular exercise nowadays what generally comes to mind a quick HIIT workout that lasts anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. In a world where we love immediate gratification, these workouts sound like a great idea; they are time efficient and we feel like we got crushed at the end of the… Continue reading Building Your Aerobic Base and Why We Need to Do It
Why lifting heavy weights won’t make women bulky
My Personal Experience with Women Lifting Heavy Weights Do women get bulky after lifting heavy weights? Let me tell you my experience. My first few months as a trainer were the definition of “trial by fire”, minus the actual fire. Around the New Year, there were 100+ consultations sold and nobody to render them. This,… Continue reading Why lifting heavy weights won’t make women bulky
How mindset helped me annihilate my fitness goals
I still find it hard to believe how different my body was just two years ago while I was still in my undergrad. I was your typical student studying night and day and always putting exercise on my list of things to do, but never quite making it happen. I was very far from my… Continue reading How mindset helped me annihilate my fitness goals
Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health
We had the opportunity to present some questions to an expert in the field of biohacking. If you ever wondered why you’re seeing so many more people intentionally submerging their unclothed bodies into ice-cold water or taking naps in hyperbaric oxygen chambers… wonder no more. We ask Dasha all of these questions and more. Let’s… Continue reading Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health
10 ways fitness benefits your life
People always tell you that working out and doing exercise is good for you. It helps you lose weight and get toned. But do you really realize the benefits of a fitness lifestyle? Well, it’s never too late to learn. Here is a list of 10 ways fitness benefits your life: 1. Increase your strength:… Continue reading 10 ways fitness benefits your life
How to Meal Plan & Hit your Fitness Goals
Meal planning sounds like it is an overwhelming concept. However, with some trial and error, it can actually make your life much easier and help you hit your goals faster. With your meals planned out and available ahead of time, you take all the guesswork out of what you are going to eat. You will… Continue reading How to Meal Plan & Hit your Fitness Goals