Ath•let•i•cism The physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility. This is what athleticism means to you. My personal definition of what athleticism looks like has evolved a lot over the past 20+ years. At one point, I thought that it meant visible abs, a strict split training program and… Continue reading What does athleticism mean to you?
Tag: Back Bay
How To Safely Stay Active During Pregnancy
Pregnancy Challenges When I first went to see my midwife during my first trimester, I had a bunch of questions since this little nugget is my first baby. All those questions were related to things I was allowed to eat or not to eat and what I could do/ not do. And let’s be real,… Continue reading How To Safely Stay Active During Pregnancy
On April 7th CLIENTEL3 is hosting The Movement Blueprint workshop by Sean Germain, owner of Body of Work. I asked Sean a few questions about what he does, where he draws his influence and the benefits of attending this workshop. “Our world has evolved to a point where life is a little too comfortable. We… Continue reading THE MOVEMENT BLUEPRINT – APRIL 7, 2019
Injury Prevention Workshop February 17, 2019
Featuring Dr. Tim Latham by Chi Bang A common theme which we have all encountered in our lives is… INJURIES. When we face these grueling and sometimes incapacitating bouts with injuries, we are often left feeling helpless and hopeless. So, therefore today’s blog will highlight some of the most commonly seen injuries in the gym… Continue reading Injury Prevention Workshop February 17, 2019