What We Can Learn From Dogs About Gratitude

Why are these fellas so happy? My dog Achilles sometimes just sits on his ass, tongue out, and a big smile. Oblivious to anything other than his own eternal aura of happiness. It makes me wonder what makes him so darn happy and whether these same principles can be applied to us mere humans. So… Continue reading What We Can Learn From Dogs About Gratitude

Core Bracing: How to Start and How Can It Help You

Core Bracing Helps Your Back Throughout my time as a trainer, I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard: My goal is to become… Oh but I also really want to have a nice defined core… To be fair, this is great and all but, I always try to take my clients a step… Continue reading Core Bracing: How to Start and How Can It Help You

Why Is it So Hard To Be Healthy?

Inactivity Negatively Impacts Health Four facts that keep me thinking about how to be healthy on a consistent basis are: Physical inactivity contributes to 9% of premature deaths in adults. Maintaining a healthy body weight and exercising regularly are two of four health behaviors (the other two being not drinking your face off and not… Continue reading Why Is it So Hard To Be Healthy?

What does athleticism mean to you?

Ath•let•i•cism The physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility. This is what athleticism means to you. My personal definition of what athleticism looks like has evolved a lot over the past 20+ years. At one point, I thought that it meant visible abs, a strict split training program and… Continue reading What does athleticism mean to you?

How To Safely Stay Active During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Challenges When I first went to see my midwife during my first trimester, I had a bunch of questions since this little nugget is my first baby. All those questions were related to things I was allowed to eat or not to eat and what I could do/ not do. And let’s be real,… Continue reading How To Safely Stay Active During Pregnancy

How To Turn Pain Into Pleasure

Adapting to Pain and Pleasure In Our Life You might wonder how to turn pain into pleasure. Pain can be both physical and emotional, and on some continuum, we have all experienced both (high school was a tough time). However, like most things over time we can become accustomed to or adapt to pain and… Continue reading How To Turn Pain Into Pleasure

Use 5 Minute Breaks To Improve Yourself

What to do on a 5-minute break? Pre 5 Minute Break CHOICE: You always have two options. Whether you want to sit down and mindlessly scroll through my phone or work towards something productive. Using your breaks to improve yourself is something that you need to do one way or another. Some 5 Minute Break… Continue reading Use 5 Minute Breaks To Improve Yourself

How To Stay Focused On Overcoming The Buts

“I Want…” and The Connecting “…But” Unfortunately and to the dismay of many, this post is not about the true beauty of the le derriere, the glutes, or your bum. What I want to discuss is the discrepancy we have between “I want…” and the connecting “…but”. This is how to stay focused. Having met,… Continue reading How To Stay Focused On Overcoming The Buts

How to Build Value and Increase Your Value Proposition

What is Value Proposition? A value proposition is a statement that identifies clear, measurable, and demonstrable benefits consumers get when buying a particular product or service. It should convince consumers that this product or service is better than others on the market. This proposition can lead to a competitive advantage when consumers pick that particular… Continue reading How to Build Value and Increase Your Value Proposition

Overcoming the Emotional Barriers of Fat Loss and Exercise

Emotions can be great, I really like a handful of them but others can make goal achievement challenging at times. This guide will help you for overcoming the emotional barriers of Fat Loss and Exercise. Let’s say you and your significant others get in a little fight. Maybe he didn’t do the dishes for the… Continue reading Overcoming the Emotional Barriers of Fat Loss and Exercise