Staying Productive During this quarantine period, most of us have a lot more time on our hands, yet we can’t seem to get much accomplished. We don’t find the right time to get important things done. When to exercise during quarantine, for example. If this is something that you are dealing with, allow me to… Continue reading How to get important things done during quarantine
Category: Wellness
Why Too Much is Not Enough
Implementing Videos and Advice Why too much is not enough? Whether you want it or not, you have workout videos, DIY programs, and advice pelted at you left right and center. This is not necessarily a bad thing for those who have the systems and structures to understand and implement what’s been offered. Let’s ask… Continue reading Why Too Much is Not Enough
How to Get Free Personal Training
Health Insurance. Does it cover Personal Training? Big issues in America, health care, taxes, obesity, and Pythons in Florida. Three of these things can be used synergistically (four if you are super creative). How can you get free personal training? How do you ask? First, you seduce the pythons into agreeing to a Bezos-inspired tax-evading… Continue reading How to Get Free Personal Training
How to Regain Overhead Mobility
A lot of people use to ask me: how to regain your mobility? First of all, before you begin programming, consider overhead mobility. It’s our duty to make our clients reach their goals with respect to their movement abilities. Overhead mobility is important for different exercises like presses or crisp high fives. Not to mention… Continue reading How to Regain Overhead Mobility
How to Meal Prep Your Way to Success
How to Meal Prep your way to Success. It may seem like homework, but there are several benefits to preparing meals for the week: Less decision making as to “what you are going to eat today” Knowing what is going into your food Not being influenced by others to eat not-so nutritious meals Saves you… Continue reading How to Meal Prep Your Way to Success
How to Avoid Struggling with your Fitness Resolutions
Since it’s now officially the new year (in both the Gregorian calendar and the Chinese zodiac). I thought it would be a good time to write out some advice for all the ‘resolutionaries’; all of those people that are looking to make exercise and healthier living a part of their new year’s goals. This is… Continue reading How to Avoid Struggling with your Fitness Resolutions
How to save your back and master the deadlift
How to save your back during a deadlift? Spend any amount of time in a gym and you will see someone executing this exercise with a flexed back at the beginning or extremely exaggerated lumbar extension at the end. To the untrained, at best, the deadlift can leave a person’s back feeling awful the next… Continue reading How to save your back and master the deadlift
Momentum: Surf it to Power Your Life
What is momentum and how can you employ its quality to enrich and enhance your life? As defined by Merriam Webster:momentum noun : the strength or force that something has when it is moving : the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passesphysics : the… Continue reading Momentum: Surf it to Power Your Life
How to Make Your Internship Experience Great
If you are a new intern entering the field of health and fitness or considering a change in careers as a strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer, this post will highlight ways to make your internship experience stand out. I went through two internships and I wish I had more insight before Day 1.… Continue reading How to Make Your Internship Experience Great
You Probably Won’t Make Health Changes: Here’s Why
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own behavior” Some sarcastic person making a terribly accurate meme I wrote the title of the piece knowing that it may come across as pessimistic. That’s not the point. I’m not making attempts to use any reverse psychology tricks on you as well (“screw you,… Continue reading You Probably Won’t Make Health Changes: Here’s Why